Access Manager 4.4 Administration


Need simple, secure access and authentication to your systems, resources, and applications without the headache of managing a hundred different policies and procedures? NetIQ Access Manager simplifies and safeguards online asset-sharing, helping you control access to Web-based and traditional business applications.

Your trusted users gain secure authentication and access to portals, Web-based content and enterprise applications, while your IT administrators gain centralized policy-based management of authentication and access privileges. Secure access and authentication with simplified, centralized management-- that's NetIQ Access Manager.
In this course, you will learn how to install and administer NetIQ Access Manage and create secure user authentication and access policies with single-sign on capabilities that can be used securely anywhere with SSL VPN.


During this course you will learn to accomplish the following tasks:

  • Understand and install NetIQ Access Manager;
  • Configure and administer NetIQ Access Manager;
  • Customize Authentication;
  • Utilize Roles and Authentication for Access Control;
  • Set up Single Sign-On with Access Manager;
  • Understand and configure Identity Sharing via Federation.

This course covers a broad range of topics, many of which are listed below:

  • Introduction to NetIQ Access Manager;
  • NetIQ Access Manager Installation;
  • NetIQ Access Manager Administration Console;
  • Proxy Web Server Acceleration;
  • HTML Rewriter;
  • Securing Communications with Certificates, SSL & Domain-based Mulit-homing;
  • NetIQ Access Manager Authentication Services;
  • NetIQ Access Manager Policies;
  • Single Sign-On with NetIQ Access Manager;
  • SSL VPN for Enterprise Access;
  • Java Agents;
  • Identity Sharing via Federation.

This course is for anyone interested in using NetIQ Access Manager to control access to applications, the Web, and network resources in an enterprise environment.

Before taking this course, you should have solid networking knowledge and experience.

Day 1: 09.00 - 17.00

Day 2: 09.00 - 17.00

Day 3: 09.00 - 17.00

Day 4: 09.00 - 17.00
